Nikolai has work to do
If you’ve seen a wolf towing a man on a cart around Otahuhu don’t worry – your eyes aren’t completely playing tricks on you.
The wolf is called Nikolai and he’s actually a large arctic dog called an Alaskan malamute.
He’s representing Manukau at the National Sled Race and Weight Pull event in Rotorua on September 19 and he’s training hard.
Forget climbing through tunnels and weaving around poles, Nikolai’s working out in Ardmore to beat his personal record of pulling 480kg several metres for the weight pull section. MORE>>
It's be really nice if news stories actually provided a means of finding out more about this event. I googles "National Sled Race and Weight Pull" and got a website which isn't updated, and blah!
At 6:59 a.m., zip said…
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At 7:07 a.m., zip said…
I'd like to know if their competition is open to different breeds or just sled dogs. We just had a weight pull competition where I live and there's another end of this month. No Malamutes, only Pit Bull dogs. Good activity for a working bred dog no longer needed to pull sleds on snow. Making the shows open to all breeds might be a way to boost interest in the sport.
At 1:46 p.m., Natalie's Life said…
Good luck in finding out where to ask!
At 11:31 a.m., john89 said…
Hi Brendan, yes they have other breeds. The best place to find out this information is to go to the website for NZFSS. They have a yearly calender. In Fact that is where you would find all things sled dog also. A sleddog can be any breed. There is even a Basenji who weightpulls and races.
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